Today, Thursday is the last day of the Internet Freedom Forum 2018, which has been on since Tuesday.
Since it began, the forum has pointed out, and addressed many issues affecting internet users in Africa.
With the aid of experts, the forum addressed issues of internet shutdown, cybercrime laws, fake news, among others.
11.40 am:
How free is the internet space in Africa?
This session was moderated by Koliwe Majama, a Zimbabwean information and communications consultant.
The panelists include: Adeboye Adegoke from Paradigm Initiative; Aisha Jeridi, Executive director of Internet Without Borders; Julie Owono and Wokulira Sebaggala.
The session addressed detailed intelligence on ICT infrastructure and digital economy, policy and landscape, climate of freedom of expression online, surveillance, and intentional network disruptions.
#IFF2018 (Day 3): Programme kicks off with session on freeing internet space in Africa
Reviewed by Joss Ken
Thursday, April 26, 2018
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