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5 tips to a healthy, sharp baby

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Every woman would wish to give birth to a healthy and bright baby or babies. This depends on all staff that you do from the point of conception to the point of delivery. 

Below are some of the scientifically proven things you can do and foods you can eat in order to bear a sharp baby;

1. Bask in sunlight

The sun is known to be the world's largest source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is important for the growth and strengthening of body bones. Vitamin D from the sun is also key in brain development as lack of it may cause brain dysfunction. Women are therefore urged to bask in the sun during their pregnancy phase to give the baby a sharp brain.

2. Folic acid

Expectant women are often given folic acid medicine to take after confirmation of pregnancy. Presence of folic acid in blood prevents birth defects and brain development problems as well as complications related to the spinal cord.

3. Stay active

Staying active ensures active blood circulation in your body and that of the baby. Active blood flow means sufficient oxygen supply. When blood flows actively in your body and that of the baby, the brain of the baby gets enough blood supply hence enough oxygen supply which in turn develops a smart brain. 

4. Baby-mother interactions

Baby mother Interaction is key to baby's brain development. From around 16 weeks babies have developed the sense of hearing, 10 weeks later it can begin to hear your voice so make an effort to be talking your baby so that it can interpret your voice from your womb. 

5. Iron

Iron is a mineral that is important in blood formation. It binds with oxygen before it is delivered to any part of the body. Hence it is important when you want your baby's brain to get enough oxygen.
5 tips to a healthy, sharp baby 5 tips to a healthy, sharp baby Reviewed by Joss Ken on Monday, April 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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