The pretty lady whose corpse you're seeing now is late Mrs Ronke Bewaji. Her remains were discovered yesterday morning after she paid the ultimate price via domestic violence.Her beau? He has absconded. Her kids? Motherless.
I'm pretty sure she must have tried reaching out to people, explaining the horror she goes through at home, but i also know she must have been advised to stay and endure for the sake of her kids..
Now she is history, her kids will bid her dust-to-dust and move on with their lives.... ... ... .. Can you begin to imagine the trauma those kids have been exposed to? Her son might grow up believing its cool to hit a woman while her daughter might also grow up believing its cool for her man to hit her.... ... ...
I can only imagine for how long she must have been enduring, hoping, fasting, and praying for her bully husband to turn a new leaf and quit beating her. I don't even want to imagine how long her spiritual leaders must have been reminding her that divorce is a sin so she should pray for him... Smh.. . . . And a woman said probably the man is under financial pressure.... If mr husband cant cope with the challenges of life, he is not a man.
Madam..... Get independent and live your life for you! If you die out of fear that the society will judge you, God will never forgive you for not using the common sense he gave you..... .... ... Wake up.
Domestic Violence!!!
Reviewed by Joss Ken
Sunday, May 08, 2016

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