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PHOTOS: Actress Ebube Nwagbo shaves hair for movie role

  Nollywood actress, Ebube Nwagbo

Nollywood actress,  has shaved her hair after Chika Ike recently did the same for N5 million.

This movie role had better be worth it!

Actress Ebube Nwagbo  E3
Actress Ebube Nwagbo  E
Actress Ebube Nwagbo W
Actress Ebube Nwagbo
Screenshot at May 06 08-20-51Nollywood actress, Ebube Nwagbo

PHOTOS: Actress Ebube Nwagbo shaves hair for movie role PHOTOS: Actress Ebube Nwagbo shaves hair for movie role Reviewed by Joss Ken on Monday, May 06, 2013 Rating: 5

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