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Miss Nigeria 2013! Meet The 60 Contestants


Not to be mistaken with Silverbird’s Most Beautiful Girl In Nigeria. Miss Nigeria 2013 has announced 60 shortlist contestants for this year’s pageant.
60 pretty young girls were preselected from the country based on their character, poise, personality and composure by the Miss Nigeria beauty pageant judges.
The next step will be to cut this down to 36 contestants representing the 36 states in Nigeria. Voting is open and will the girls with the highest votes move on to the next stage.
One first look it’s hard to pick one because they all looks pretty, but no all will make the cut. What do you think? Who’s your fav so far?
Visit link below to vote

Miss Nigeria 2013! Meet The 60 Contestants Miss Nigeria 2013! Meet The 60 Contestants Reviewed by Joss Ken on Thursday, May 09, 2013 Rating: 5

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