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I Spent Half A Million Every Month On My Hair In Order To Look Outstanding From The Rest


In West Africa, hair style is not something that movie stars used to compete with each other just like the way we hear the movie stars talk about what goes into the type of dress they wear.

Ghanaian actress Salma Mumuni for some time now has been making noise on social networks about her hair style and how much goes into it; as if anybody cares.

The single actress revealed to that she spent over $ 3,000 to maintain the new hair style that will make her identity upstanding. “I maintain it every week too” she proudly said.

I Spent Half A Million Every Month On My Hair In Order To Look Outstanding From The Rest I Spent Half A Million Every Month On My Hair In Order To Look Outstanding From The Rest Reviewed by Joss Ken on Wednesday, May 08, 2013 Rating: 5

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