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Why I Am Still Single – Actress Empress Njamah

       empress njamah 600x800 Why I Am Still Single   Actress Empress Njamah

Empress Njamah recently spoke to The Nation’s Mercy Michael, where she told her the reason why she is still single and being a car freak with 5 cars.
Here is an excerpt from the interview:
As one who is brilliant, beautiful and curvy, why are you still single?
I’m gonna say this alright; I don’t care how people take it, the days when marriages were sweet and all beautiful are no more. If you listen to how your parents got married and how those days it was sweet, it’s not like that anymore. I’ve escorted a lot of people into marriages, I won’t say I’ve escorted them out but I’ve witnessed them come out of it. Click to continue.

So psychologically it’s not good for people and then being what we are, a lot of people think because she’s this, because she has that I don’t think I will be able to handle them. A lot of people can’t stand an industrious woman especially if she’s doing well. It’s the mentality of the people. If a man looks at me, I’m a car freak alright. I have five cars and I’m not doing it because I’m trying to show off, a lot of people don’t even know that they are my cars.
But I’m trying to be honest with you and I’m always trying to say it the way it is, not minding whatever. If a man comes and says because of blablabla, he cannot handle me, then he shouldn’t bother. Every woman’s dream is to get married but it’s not just to get married but to get married to your friend. I want to marry my friend.
And have you met your friend?
I’m yet to meet my friend. If I meet my friend and I know that he is my friend, I don’t think that question should actually pop up because what am I doing if I’ve met my friend? If I’ve met my friend I will get married. And then, I’m this type of person that even if I meet my friend; I don’t want to have a fairy tale wedding.
Why I Am Still Single – Actress Empress Njamah Why I Am Still Single – Actress Empress Njamah Reviewed by Joss Ken on Monday, April 29, 2013 Rating: 5

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